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July 19, 2006

Pretty Swimmer Mommy took me swimming at a kiddie pool. I'm Swimming! Finished

July 17, 2006

Train to SF Today was a Spare-the-Air Day. That means free rides for all public transportation. We decided to ride the train for free to San Francisco.

July 15, 2006

Best Friends I hung out with Ashley while Mommy and Daddy went to celebrate their anniversary.

July 7, 2006

I Did It! I did it! I pooped in the toilet! As a reward, I get to put on these wings (gift from Angela E-E)...Thanks! I think I can be considered officially potty-trained.

July 5, 2006

Today was free admissions to the San Francisco Zoo. We, of course, took advantage of the opportunity. Horray!  Free Admissions! Interacting with the Animals

July 1, 2006

I've been doing pretty well at potty training. So Mommy and Daddy decided to have a little ice-cream sundae celebration at home today. My Sundae Digging In

June 29, 2006

Mommy took me to Great America today. Fun!!! Chubby in Shades Horsey

June 24, 2006

It was going to be a hot day today so we decided to go to Santa Cruz Beach & Broadwalk to escape the heat. Everyone else also had that idea. It took us 2 hours to find parking. After a late lunch, we managed to play a little bit on the beach. The last time I went to a beach was when we went to Hawaii. Back then, I didn't even know how to play with the sand and water. Now, it's a different story... Having Fun at the Beach Fun!!! Nice Portrait

June 21, 2006

Ice-Cream! Wow! We got ice-cream for snack today. I like VBS!!! My New Friend

June 20, 2006

First year attending Vacation Bible School(VBS). One of my favorites is the snacks... Yum Yum

June 18, 2006

Happy Daddy's Day Happy Father's Day!

June 17, 2006

Indian Food My first time having Indian food...My favorite was the mango dessert...Mommy let Daddy pick the restaurant because tomorrow is Father's Day.

June 12, 2006

Potty Training I officially started potty training...Mommy said I'm a quick learner. I pretty much got the hang of it after the first day.

June 5, 2006

Today I decided I'm going to be a Steelers fan for life - just like Daddy... Steeler Fan for Life

June 1, 2006

Gung Gung is here! Gung Gung

May 26, 2006

Today ranks as one of the happiest day of my little life. I was able to take pictures with all the Princesses. Most of them were hanging out at the Ariel's Grotto Restaurant. Mommy and Daddy never got around to making reservations but thank God that we were able to get in from stand-by. After the first 2 princesses came to my table, from that point on, even before the next princess would get to the table, I would already be out of my chair ready to greet her...
Belle Jasmine Sleeping Beauty Ariel Mulan Cinderella Snow White

Here are all the pictures from the trip...

May 25, 2006

First time going to Disneyland... Thank You for Taking Me Here!
Best experience: Taking pictures with princess... I Love Princess

Worst experience: Taking pictures with Goofy...I was terrified at all the Non-Princess characters - especially Goofy.... Goofy Scares Me

May 24, 2006

On the Way to L.A. We are driving down to L.A. We will be going to Disneyland for the next 2 days! I'm so excited! Staying at the Hyatt Regency Orange County... Finally got to the Hotel

May 13, 2006

Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mommy Day

May 6, 2006

Natalie and I went to our first Teddy Bear Fair. Teddy Bear Fair

May 2, 2006

My pre-school class took a field trip to Rancho San Antonio Park. This is how I looked at first: Before And after some playing round...After

April 10, 2006

My First Haircut After waiting for more than two and a half years, Mommy and Daddy finally decided I should get my haircut. So I put my trust in Daddy....And I'm glad he ended up doing a good job! Very Cooperative I Like My Haircut

April 8, 2006

What an event-filled day I had today. First, I went to Aileen's birthday party at the Jungle.PIZZA Then we got to go for desserts afterwards. ICE-CREAM
At night, we met up with Mommy's Cousin Nelson. She hasn't seen him for over 20 years!
Cousin Nelson

March 25, 2006

Yum!  Yum! We went to a Red Egg and Ginger Party for one of Mommy's friend from teaching school. The restaurant is called Moonstar. We expected it to be a typical "sweet and sour" chinese buffet but was pleasantly surprised with all the different Cantonese-style, yummy food. I wonder when we get to go again??? Baby Joshua

March 18, 2006

Happy Birthday, Micah! We went over to Micah's place to celebrate his birthday. Getting Ready for Some Ice-Cream and Cake

March 17, 2006

Potty Time!!! My first time EVER successfully POOPing in a potty! As a reward, Mommy let me wear a Pull-Up. Yeah! Displaying my Pull-Up Proudly

March 7, 2006

My pre-school class had a field trip to Happy Hollow Zoo today. Happy Hollow Zoo

March 5, 2006

Another Gymboree party...Happy Birthday to Benjamin, Hana, and Joshua! Happy Birthday, Hana! Benjamin, Hana, and Joshua

February 20, 2006

This is my second snow trip. This time, we went to South Lake Tahoe. It's also my first time travelling with Cousin Rachel. We had a great time! Snow Play Building a Snowman with Rachel

February 18, 2006

Party Time!!! Allison's birthday party at Gymboree. Happy Birthday, Allison!

February 12, 2006

Being a Good Student in my Sunday School Class It was Children's Sunday today. Mommy and Daddy got to come to my Sunday School class and observe. They found out that most of the time, I was very good at participating in whatever the teacher was doing. But sometimes I digress, and go off doing my own stuff. A Little Digression

January 28, 2006

Happy Chinese New Year! Gung Hay Fat Choy!

January 21, 2006

Mana is Here!!! Makana is visiting for the weekend. And then Gung Gung also came to surprise Makana. We had a blessed evening with everybody. Laus Everybody

January 8, 2006

My First Taco My first taco....Mommy and Daddy took me to Taco Bell because they thought I really wanted to eat a taco. However, after my first bite, I did not like it. I think I'll just stick with Asian food.

January 7, 2006

Baby Brandon Bamboola Birthday Party What a busy day. We went to Baby Brandon's birthday party in the morning at Bamboola. Then at night, it was Hannah's birthday party at Gymboree. Hannah's Gymboree Birthday Party

December 28, 2005

We(Us and 2 other families) took a snow trip to Reno for a couple of days... Happy Jocelyn and Allison Elevator The Gang Come see more pictures of me in the snow...

December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!!! Little Schoolgirl Baby's First Christmas I Can Sing When Are We Opening Presents?

December 13, 2005

Allergy Test I went in for an allergy test. And the results....I'm slightly allergic to CHICKEN!!! What am I to eat now? This Indicates Allergic to Chicken

December 12, 2005

1st Christmas Tree Yea! We got a Christmas tree this year!!! And I got to help decorate it. Decorating...

December 10, 2005

We went to Christmas in the Park today. I had tons of fun looking at the different displays and going on rides. Toys Please Closer Please Amazed Enjoying the Ride

December 5, 2005

This is how I prefer to watch and drinks are a must.... I Know How to Enjoy Life

December 2, 2005

This is my first time using chopsticks. Not too bad... First Time I'm a Natural

November 28, 2005

OH NO!!! Poor Jocelyn... Poor Jocelyn...It's not as bad as it looks. I got some sort of infection which was making me cough constantly. So we went to the doctor and this was how he gave me the medicine. I coughed alot less after that.

November 27, 2005

I got to hang out with Gung Gung some more before he goes back to Hong Kong tomorrow. Hanging Out with Gung Gung

November 26, 2005

We had a wonton party at Auntie Debra's place. But it seems I had a different idea in mind... Ole!

November 15, 2005

Gung Gung is here to visit. Yeah! Gung Gung is Here!

November 5, 2005

Happy Birthday, Nat Nat! We went to Bamboola to celebrate Cousin Natalie's 3rd birthday. One of my favorite activities was face-painting. Thank you Mommy for letting me try it myself. I'm Good At This

October 24, 2005

Everyone dressed up in their costumes today at class for Halloween. I'm a bumble bee this year. Trick or Treat My Classmates

October 23, 2005

We went to a place called Pump it Up to celebrate Amanda's birthday. This begins a marathon of birthday parties that spans for the next few weeks. Riding Away Happy Birthday, Amanda!

October 22, 2005

Very Hungry We returned home from San Diego. By the time we got home, it was almost 8:00p.m. We quickly dropped off our stuff at home and rushed to Todai to take advantage of the 2 for 1 birthday special. Happy Birthday, Mommy! Ice-Cream Happy Birthday, Mommy!

October 20, 2005

Legoland Second stop...Legoland. This is my second time going there. This time is so much more fun because I'm tall enough to go on most of the rides and I got to go with Allison. I'm a Pilot Speeding Away Deciding Where to Go Next

October 19, 2005

San Diego Zoo Our first stop....San Diego Zoo. Mommy and Daddy were worried that I would be scared when I saw the animals. But instead, I was so excited and enjoyed every moment of it.....zebras, elephants, giraffes and bears were my favorites. Bear Bear Looks Like Dumbo!

October 18, 2005

We are off to San Diego for a little vacation. I get my own seat on the airplane! That's because my ticket costs the same as Mommy and Daddy's since I am over 2 years old.Airplane Ride

October 10, 2005

For class today, we had a field trip to the pumpkin patch. I got to ride on a train, go through a maze, look at animals, and of course, play with pumpkins.Hard Work What a Big Pumkin I Get to Take One Home Too!

September 21, 2005

We had dinner with our Aussie friends before they return to Australia later tonight. It's been really fun hanging out with them.Baby Sarah, Me, and Daniel

September 16, 2005

I decided to start singing in front of everyone during a church fellowship meeting. I guess I don't have the concept of SHY yet.Worship Leader

September 11, 2005

The Chu family(Uncle Desmond, Auntie Margaret, Daniel and Baby Sarah) is visiting us from Sydney, Australia. We hung out with them this whole weekend. Uncle Douglas and Daddy met Uncle Desmond over 20 years ago. They lost touch for awhile but about 5 years ago, they started emailing each other again. Isn't that cool?Hanging Out 3 Amigos

August 29, 2005

I start going to a preschool class today. We meet once a week. Class My Masterpiece

August 26, 2005

Mommy and I went to Bonfante Gardens with Aileen, Ashley and Auntie Lindsey. It was fun...Bonfante Gardens

August 20, 2005

We got to go and try out Auntie Debra and Uncle Paul's pool. Nice!!! Nice Pool

August 18, 2005

This is the last lession for my swimming class. Mommy said we'll take another swimming class next summer. The part that I'm most glad about is - no more submersions!!! Submersion Entirely Underwater My Eyes!!!

August 12, 2005

I had my 2 year old appointment today. I now weigh 28 lbs. 8 oz. Since I haven't gotten sick lately, my weight has been going up steadily.

July 30, 2005

My first time being a flower-girl. :) Thank you Auntie Natalie and Uncle Dan for allowing me this opportunity.

Part 1Part 2

July 28, 2005

My first star appearance in a wedding. I'm paired up with Abigail...Rehearsal was tonight. I'm so excited!!!!Walking down the Aisle Me and Abigail

July 23, 2005

Congratulations, Uncle Douglas and Auntie Cheryl! Mommy and Me Congrats!

July 22, 2005

Today is Uncle Douglas and Auntie Cheryl's wedding rehearsal. They had the rehearsal dinner at California Cafe in Palo Alto. After dinner, Micah and I somehow got kind of intimate...Must be all the weddings that are coming up...First Real Kiss? Whose Idea was this?

July 21, 2005

Today is my birthday. To celebrate, we went out to have Japanese food for dinner. Of course, ice-cream afterwards. Ice-Cream  Japanese Food... YUM

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